

          发布日期:2022-11-28     浏览次数:



报告人1肖红伟 教授

报告题目2Non-invasive fruit analysis: New approaches for field measurements

报告人2Manuela Zude 研究员

报告题目3Modelling and simulation of modified atmosphere, condensation dynamics and shelf life for packaged fruit

报告人3Pramod Mahajan 研究员

报告时间:2022122 1900 - 2200

报告方式:线上腾讯会议 879-788-606

邀请人:李智国 教授


报告人1肖红伟,男,博士,中国农业大学特聘研究员,博士生导师,石河子大学“绿洲学者”讲座教授,入选*******计划和中国农业大学“青年新星A类人才培养计划”,中国农业大学“农产品绿色干燥技术装备”青年科学家工作室团队负责人。主要从事果蔬和中药材的“绿色、保质、高效、精准干燥”技术与装备研究,以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文90多篇(其中JCR 1SCI论文78篇,累计IF73012篇论文先后入选Web of Science高被引论文;总被引次数超过7000次,H-index 45;主编外文著作2部,参编810个章节;获国家授权发明专利35项;任领域权威期刊Drying Technology副主编和Journal of Future Foods Information Processing in Agriculture Grain & Oil Science and Technology8个国际杂志的编委或客座编辑;获得国际干燥学会颁发的干燥研究杰出贡献奖等国际奖2项,省级科技一等奖和二等奖各1项,中国商业联合会特等奖一项;是Drying Technology评选的2016-2020年全球对干燥技术贡献最大的20位学者之一;入选爱思唯尔2021年中国高被引科学家;连续3年入选由斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。培养的博士生和硕士生5人次获得国家奖学金,1人次获得校长奖学金;培养的硕博研究生6人次获得国家留学基金委资助赴海外名校深造。

报告人2Dr. Zude-Sasse works in the areas of sensor development, and turning the signals into plant information. The information obtained are applied in the agronomic processes. Manuela Zude-Sasse obtained a PhD at the Technical University Berlin, Germany, hold postdoc position at INRA-Versailles, France, became Associate Professor at Humboldt University with habilitation in “Applied Plant Physiology”, and subsequently Professor at the Beuth University of Applied Science Berlin. Presently, she works as research group leader for PRECISION HORTICULTURE at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), Germany, meanwhile publishing >70 IF papers, editing several special issues of international journals and a book on optical methods for crop sensing.Specific interests:(1) Physical properties of fresh fruit; (2) in-situ assessment of fruit by means of spectral-optical (multi- and hyper-spectral methods, time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy, back scattering imaging, LiDAR) and electro-chemical analyses; (2) Precision Horticulture (zone-spezific harvest management and irrigation in woody plants).

报告人3Dr. Pramod Mahajan is Senior Scientist in the Department of Horticultural Engineering at ATB. He is leading group on packaging and storage of horticultural commodities. He graduated with B. Tech (Agricultural Engineering) from PKV Akola and later M. Tech and PhD (Postharvest and Food Engineering) from IIT Kharagpur, India. He worked in University College Cork, Ireland for nearly 11 years before moving to ATB Potsdam in 2014. His current research is on quantification of respiration/transpiration, controlled atmosphere storage and modified atmosphere packaging, mathematical modelling for fresh produce packaging design; gas exchange properties of packaging materials; overall quality and shelf-life assessments and kinetic model; water vapour transfer and humidity regulation in food packaging systems, development and applications of non-invasive sensors for gas and condensation measurement in fresh produce packaging and storage. His research results are well documented in over 120 original scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals (h-index 35, google scholar).



